Looking for top science curriculums? We have broken down some of the best science curriculums on the market to help YOU find the perfect science curriculum for your family!
Its curriculum shopping season and as you are browsing catalogs, hitting up conventions, and scouring the web, you may ask yourself what the perfect curriculum is. Well, the truth of the matter is there is none. However, we can break it down and help you find a great curriculum that works for your family.
Today we are going to take a look at some of the top Science Curriculums out there.
Apologia Science
This curriculum is a top pick for many homeschoolers. It offers studies on Zoology, Anatomy, General Science, Astronomy and more. One of the best things about it is the notebooking journals that add a hands-on concept to the textbook approach. See some of the guides on video and read more about Apologia Science, here.
God’s Design for Science
This is a creation-based curriculum for grades 1-8. So you can teach your children together if they fit within this range of grade levels. It includes multiple topics like life, physical world, chemistry & ecology. The beginning of each textbook includes brief teaching instructions and hands-on experiments and activities are built into every lesson. You can read Cathy Duffy’s review of the program here.
RE.A.L. Science Odyssey
Specifically designed for homeschoolers, R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey from Pandia Press is a unique approach to science. It includes three different subjects: Life, Earth & Space, and Chemistry. Each option is designed for one year of teaching. It includes a reading lesson and hands-on experiments. It also offers a supplemental reading list. R.E.A.L. Science was written for home and small classroom use and is a perfect mixture of serious science and fun. Each lesson builds on itself and was created with the science novice in mind. Read Cathy Duffy’s review of the program here.
Elemental Science
This curriculum offers a wide variety of material including curriculum for preschoolers, unit studies, living books and more. Elemental Science leans towards the classical approach but also draws upon Charlotte Mason methodology. It uses narration and sketching along with hands-on learning through science experiments.
TOP Science
This program offers experiments and labs for all grades and has very reasonable prices.It allows you to pick a topic, and then teach it, with items you already have around your home. Experiments and topics are divided up by grade level and the site itself if very easy to navigate. A great resource for learning science if you do not want a traditional curriculum.
These are just a few of the best homeschool science curriculums out there! Many of these publishers will also be at our homeschool expo in July. So register now if you want to see them in person!