Praxis is an intensive 12-month apprenticeship program for those who want more than college. It’s for entrepreneurial young people who want real-world career experience and a rigorous, self-directed educational experience all in one – and you get paid to do it! Participants are placed with entrepreneurs in dynamic businesses across the country, where they work, complete personal development projects, get one-on-one coaching, and learn the skills they need to create value in and out of the workplace. Praxis can be completed after high school as a replacement for college, before deciding on college, during break from college, or after college. The low cost makes it a viable option for young people at any phase of their education or career. If you’re a confident, optimistic, hard-working, outside-the-box self-starter, this is for you. Don’t get stuck choosing between the intellectual value of a humanities degree and the practical value of a business degree or work experience. Get it all. Praxis is about improving yourself, and getting where you want to go faster and better. It’s not about doing what everyone else does – it’s about doing what works for you.