My Butterfly Pillow® (Patent Pending) is the first pillow designed by side sleepers for side sleepers. Height adjustable for a custom fit, with a shoulder bay allowing shoulders to connect with the pillow without changing the shape. Our core pillow is constructed of top of the line, custom blended polyurethane foam with gel particles for firmness and comfort. My Butterfly Pillow® is constructed with better memory features than common memory foam pillows or pillows made of shredded foam. There are 62 vertical shafts constructing the motion grid which allows the pillow to move semi-independently as you change positions. When sleeping with the riser attached, there is a space to place your hand or arm beneath the pillow, that won’t block circulation and cause numbness or tingling. The removable ear pillow within the core pillow is 30% softer, with a floating cube design for constant comfort. Embedded beneath the ear pillow are two Night Owl speakers along with a Bluetooth receiver providing crisp, clean sound for white noise, audio books, music or even television directly into the pillow without disturbing your sleeping partner.