Mark S Mirza is an author, speaker, student of prayer. He led Dr. Charles Stanley’s Men’s Prayer Ministry at First Baptist Church Atlanta for four and a half years before entering full time ministry. In 2010 Mark founded Common Thread Ministries to “help churches that want to have a prayer ministry.” Mark teaches throughout the United States as well as in Mexico, Honduras, and Kenya. He is the author / publisher of four books of which one has been translated into three languages: Prayer Made Alive (English), Oración con Vida (Spanish), and Maombi Kufanywa Hai (Swahili). Mark’s other books include Praying the Prayer Cards, the children’s book Rainbows of Promises updated from the 1887 original, and the fiction trilogy The Pray-ers. Website: A fifth book has just been published. A Threefold Cord is a spiral bound devotional updated from the original book of the same title printed in 1830