Kevin Conover was handcuffed to an atheist to debate the existence of God for 24 hours by BuzzFeed on youtube. When he’s not handcuffed to atheists, he teaches Christians how to share and defend their faith in the Bible. He has been teaching high school and college students for more than 13 years, and has an MA in apologetics from Biola University. Kevin is the host of Educate For Life Radio, a weekly program broadcast all over the world. Kevin is also the Vice Principal and senior Bible apologetics teacher at Christian High School, which is under the leadership of Pastor David Jeremiah and Shadow Mountain Baptist Community Church. He resides in southern California with his wife and three kids. Kevin’s ministry, Educate For Life, is a professionally produced, easy to use, online Bible apologetics curriculum that teaches students how to respond to questions about creation, evolution, world religions, relativism, human sexuality, and the credibility of the Bib