Kemble Hildreth is passionate about homeschooling, computer science, digital literacy, artificial intelligence, sustainable gardening, and preparing today’s homeschool students for the massive technological changes we will be living through over the next few decades. Kemble studied computer science at Georgia Tech, and was homeschooled for the 10 years prior to attending Georgia Tech. He serves at the CEO of Live Oak Computer Science. The Live Oak CS team builds educational computer science curriculum, hands-on digital ecology kits, and digital project sensors for students across the US. Advanced technology and sustainable agriculture are at the heart of Kemble’s interests. Kemble lives in Metro Atlanta with his beautiful wife and two boys. They are homeschooling both of the two boys while steadily building an organic homestead to serve as an educational backdrop for the two little guys. Their german shepherd, 3 cats, 20ish chickens and the odd fish are common sights around the homestead. Kemble is optimistic about the ever-changing times ahead. Our world will continue to advance and change rapidly, but Kemble believes that homeschool students equipped with a love of lifelong learning will be ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century.