Can you homeschool a special needs child? Yes! Homeschooling a child with special needs can be done, and it can be done effectively.
Having a child with special needs can be a challenge. Sometimes, the child just doesn’t do well in school, or in public settings. They may learn differently than their peers, and they may struggle in areas that a teacher just doesn’t understand. If you have a child with special needs and have been contemplating homeschooling him, don’t fret. Homeschooling a child with special needs can be done, and it can be done effectively.
Great Ratio
Special needs children work better in small groups and class sizes. What better ration than one on one or even 4:1, or however many children you have. Being around a small group of people that love him and accept him will make it easier for your special needs child to learn.
Great Learning Space
Home is the absolute best place for a special needs child to learn. Why? It gives the child an opportunity to be around people who love them and to be in a loving and supportive environment. You can also control the noise level, the food being served, the amount of stimulation your child is exposed to and many other elements that may make learning difficult for your child in public school.
Specific Accommodations Can be Made
For some special needs children, every task is difficult. Homeschooling allows you to make accommodations based on your child’s needs and learning abilities. You can allow your child to type on a computer instead of write with a pen and paper. You can allow them to complete work orally instead of in a book. You can choose a curriculum specifically for your special needs child, instead of one that is fit for a large variety of students. You can accommodate your home, your school space, and your teaching to fit the needs of your special needs child.
When it comes to your child, you know him better than anyone else. You understand how he learns, and what it takes to make him tick. You have spent hours becoming an expert on your child. Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot homeschool a child with special needs. There is no one better to educate your child, then you!
Misty Bailey is a wife and veteran homeschool mom. She loves helping new homeschoolers and has a Homeschool 101 eBook for those getting started. She shares her homeschool struggles, joys and imperfections on her blog Joy in the Journey.