We are honored to present some of the best homeschool speakers in the country. Their expertise and experiences cover a wide range of topics, from beginning homeschooling and curriculum choices to information on how to teach specific subjects to encouragement for understanding why we homeschool and how to not only educate our children but to impact their hearts and lives as well.
These featured speakers ready to help you learn how to homeschool or improve your homeschool. Homeschooling parents share their own experiences and help new homeschoolers learn the best ways to teach. Each workshop session is about 1 hour in length and these homeschool speakers are eager to help homeschooling parents. If you are interested in reaching out to a featured homeschool speaker, you can visit their booth in the exhibit hall. You can also email us if you need contact information and we would be glad to provide an easy way to contact them. We are excited about this year’s featured speakers and hope you will enjoy their sessions!
If you are homeschooling parent and would like to share your experience at the Homeschool Expo, please contact us! We love to cultivate homeschooling all over and parents that share their experience are the heart of the Homeschool Expo. We are always looking to add great homeschool speakers from all over to the Homeschool Expo. The homeschool speakers at the Expo share not just a sales pitch but informative and educational workshops.
2025 Featured Speakers