Since 2015, Dean Academy has helped thousands of students achieve their SAT/ACT testing goals by offering live online and in-person Boot Camps that are affordable for most families. As a homeschool mom, Joanna Dean learned early on that if she wanted her children to have access to the same scholarships available to public and private school students, she would need to prepare her boys on how to take the SAT/ACT. Becoming discouraged after visiting the brick-and-mortar options in her area and seeing the outrageous pricing for test prep, she took matters into her own hands. She became a student of these tests. Before long, she had turned her homeschool name into a business that provided affordable test prep services for her community producing amazing results: 72% of Dean Academy Boot Camp attendees receive the HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarships. Dean Academy has since worked with thousands of students all over the country and is now expanding its reach by launching a new Middle School curriculum that lays the foundation for testing success long before the student begins taking the test. With early action, consistent practice, and determination, your student can be added to the long list of Dean Academy success stories.
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