Homeschooling can be a great blessing, but not a decision to take lightly. Here are a few things to consider before homeschooling.
Now is the time of year when public schools have been in session for a while. Homework is starting to come home with the kids, and the excitement of the new year is wearing down. Where I live there have also been major events happening within the local public schools. Cases of transgender students, bullying, school violence, and other occurrences often make parents second guess their choice of public schools.
Homeschooling is a wonderful choice and one that has been a huge blessing for our family. Yet, it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. When parents come to me after the situations above and ask me about homeschooling I encourage them to consider a few things before jumping ship.
Are you considering homeschooling because you’re emotional? Oftentimes anger can get the best of us. If you are considering homeschooling because you are angry with the public school, I recommend you give it more time. The situation may calm down, or you may find another solution.
Many parents do not realize the massive amount of time homeschooling takes. Parents who are already maxed out time wise may not be in the best situation to homeschool their children. The first few weeks’ school may take upwards of 5 hours a day. Maybe longer depending on how well your children cooperate. Before homeschooling, I recommend checking your schedule, eliminating things if need be, and clearing out the time to homeschool.
Your Child’s Opinion
Do your children want to be homeschooled? If not, then you may be in a hard spot before even beginning. I am a firm believer that parents make the choices, but our children’s opinions should be taken into consideration. Talk to your children about why you are considering homeschooling. Explain how things will go, and why you think this is the best choice. If they are still against it, I recommend a trial period. Let them know you will try it out for a set amount of time, and then evaluate how homeschooling is going.
Homeschooling requires a commitment from at least one parent. A commitment to your child’s education is not one to be taken lightly. Be sure you are willing to take on the responsibility before homeschooling.
Curriculum costs money, if a parent works outside the home, they may need to cut back, having kids home more will mean more resources like food, electric, and water. Field trips and co-op classes may cost, and school supplies will also need to be purchased.
Homeschooling is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly. Homeschooling requires time, money, and commitment; these are all things that people may not consider before considering homeschooling.
If you have gone through the above scenarios and still feel led to homeschool then great! We have tons of resources here that can be of great value to you. Homeschooling is a decision that when made thoughtfully, is often times not regretted!
Misty Bailey is a work at home homeschool mom. She loves helping new homeschoolers and has a Homeschool 101 eBook for those getting started. She shares her struggles with time management, becoming unglued and finding joy in the everyday moments on her blog Joy in the Journey.